We're living in a polarized time where people are more angry than ever . Jesus modeled something completely different.

Join us for a series that will help us walk in new levels of freedom.


no offense Part 4 - What if ‘family’ offends you?

In this message, Pastor Danny lays out what is needed for a thriving community in the church and presents what it takes to protect and cultivate it. Spoiler Alert! It takes forgiveness and overcoming offenses. This message is so important and will be a blessing to your life. Enjoy!

no offense Part 3 - Am I right or am I right?

How important is being right? In this message, Pastor Jamie looks at one of our biggest hang ups when it comes to offense- the belief that we are right. It's going to inspire and help you!

no offense Part 2 - What about “those” people?

In this message, Pastor Danny teaches us how to deal with "those" people. You know who they are. The people who just drive you crazy! God's called us to honor everyone and learn how to put his love on display. We really think you are going to enjoy this message.

no offense Part 1 - you mad bro?

Do you ever get mad? Of course you do. There's so much in the world around us that is upsetting. How are we supposed to navigate this culture where everyone seems to be angry about so much? In this message, Pastor Danny challenges us to rethink our anger at the issues. This message is challenging and inspiring! God Bless you!!